2023 FIATA General Meeting quickly approaching - register now!
2023 FIATA Statutory General Meeting quickly approaching! Register now!
The 2023 FIATA Statutory General Meeting (GM) will bring together FIATA Association Members virtually on Friday 30 June from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. FIATA Association Members should register by Thursday 22 June.
Register here for the Monday 26 June test session at 12:00 CEST session (Region Europe and Region Africa and Middle East).
Register here for the Tuesday 27 June test session at 09:00 CEST session (Region Asia-Pacific).
Register here for the Wednesday 28 June test session at 17:00 CEST session (Region Americas).
FIATA would like to remind you that the deadline for paying annual membership fees is 31 May, according to Article 4.7 (b) of the FIATA Statutes. Please note that 'membership shall be suspended if the member does not meet its financial obligations in due time' in accordance with Article 4.6.2. and that 'the suspension shall be deemed annulled with the receipt of all amounts outstanding'.
Associations must appoint one voting delegate, who must be registered by Thursday 22 June. If an Association is not able to join, a proxy can be appointed by Tuesday 20 June, and FIATA must be informed.
2023 FIATA Electoral Meeting at 2023 FWC
The 2023 FIATA Electoral General Meeting will take place in Brussels at the 2023 FIATA World Congress on Friday 6 October at 11:00-13:00 CEST. Please note that the nomination deadline for candidacy is 5 June. If you need more information on this matter, please write to [email protected].
Register now to the 2023 FIATA General Meeting
Register to REU and RAME test session
FIATA launches Dangerous Goods Brochure 3rd Edition: Empowering forwarders with safe handling knowledge
Transporting dangerous goods requires precision, knowledge, and unwavering commitment to public safety. FIATA is therefore thrilled to present the highly anticipated release of the Dangerous Goods Brochure in its 3rd Edition.
In today's complex logistics landscape, where a myriad of cargo demands multimodal solutions, it is critical to have a sound understanding of the requirements associated with transporting hazardous goods and substances. This Dangerous Goods Brochure is your comprehensive companion, providing you with essential insights to mitigate risks, maintain safety levels, and protect lives.
Developed under the umbrella of the FIATA Advisory Body on Safety and Security (ABSS) along with the valued expertise of Dangerous Goods Management (DGM), TT Club and International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA), this brochure is an essential resource for your safety policy. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the requirements associated with the transport of dangerous goods across all modes of transportation.
Don't compromise on safety. Elevate your standards. Take the lead in responsible transportation. The Dangerous Goods Brochure Edition III is your essential tool for success.
Visit our website today for the latest press release, and secure your copy!
Pricing: One copy will be given free of charge to each FIATA Association Member. Otherwise, prices are as follows-
Paper version (including shipping fees): 60 CHF (45 CHF for FIATA Members)
Electronic version: 30 CHF (15 CHF for FIATA Members)
How ready are you for air cargo regulation updates? ICS2 Release II
Last week, FIATA launched a survey for FIATA members to indicate their readiness for the implementation of ICS2 Release II. Following the United States of America's (US) implementation of the Air Cargo Advance Screening Program (ACAS), the air cargo industry anticipates that multiple countries will strengthen air cargo security and safety risk analysis by implementing Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) programs. The new European Union (EU) PLACI regime - Import Control System 2.0 Release 2 (ICS2 Release II), which applies to airfreight, came into force on 1 March 2023.
ICS2 is a comprehensive customs management system designed to streamline and enhance security measures in international trade. This survey aims to assess the readiness of the air cargo industry for the implementation of ICS2 Release II.
If you have not yet shared your voice about how prepared you believe freight forwarders are for these changes, including yourself, and how forwarders will comply with the new regulation, kindly take a couple of minutes to answer this survey so that FIATA can support your companies effectively in the implementation of this regulation.
HAWB procedures to change in Brazilians customs platform from 1 July
FIATA would like to inform its members that as of 1 July, procedures for manifesting HAWB into the Brazilian customs platform will change into a new system called CCT. Airlines will no longer be the only ones responsible for this process, and it will therefore fall to the freight forwarder to do this too.
FIATA is grateful for the support of its Brazilian Association Member, Associacao Nacional Das Empresas Transitarias, Agentes De Carga Aerea, Comissarias De Despachos E Operadores Intermodais (ACTC) who will provide materials to be provided in the next e-flash.
Members should be aware that the manifest needs to be made prior to the arrival of cargo at Brazilian airports in its final and correct format with corresponding information. A fine of BRL 5.000,00 will be given if this is not completed and sent to the cargo agent at least 24 hours prior to cargo departure, with exception of Saturday and Sunday departures, for which pre-alerts should be sent by Friday at midday (12:00 PM BR time).
It should be noted that this is valid for both Prepaid and Collect shipments. If these requirements are not met, the fines will be reverted to the origin.
Information Source: DC Logistics Brasil
FIATA member, Freight Forwarders Association of Romania - USER - celebrates 30 years!
FIATA would like to congratulate the Freight Forwarders Association of Romania on 30 years of excellent services to the global logistics supply chain, its customers and beyond! On 23 May, the Association celebrated the achievement and marked this with an event entitled ‘Forum of Freight Forwarding companies’ jointly hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
The Association, with over 150 registered companies, received a warm welcome by President Marius Cae, and a video message online from FIATA President Dr Ivan Petrov, who highlighted the achievements of the Romanian Association over the years, including its training success since 1997 when it started to roll out the FIATA Diploma.
Finally, the FIATA President expressed FIATA's gratitude for the hard work of USER’s President, Mr Marius Cae, who has been active with his team in many aspects of FIATA’s work over the years, including his role as FIATA Vice President in previous years.
Association of Hungarian Forwarders - MSZSZ - hosts 'Hungarian Forwarders Day' with FIATA in attendance
On 25 May, FIATA Director General Dr Stéphane Graber took part in the 'Hungarian Forwarders Day', which brought together various international and regional stakeholders including CLECAT, to address multimodal transport challenges, developments and opportunities in Europe and globally. Sustainability, geopolitical challenges and digitalisation were key themes explored by speakers.
Dr Graber addressed the need for an interconnected and global multimodal transport network in order to enable small and medium-sized companies to stay their course and continue to nurture competition in the global logistics supply chain. Strengthening multimodal transport corridors, which have come into increased demand in the wake of geopolitical changes, with updated policy and regulatory frameworks remains a key priority for FIATA's advocacy work, while facilitating trade, helping to build capacity in all regions, and providing a digitalisation path which suits larger but also smaller freight forwarding companies.
Last chances to donate to FIATA Türkiye-Syria Earthquake fund!
For members who have not yet had the opportunity to donate to the relief efforts carried out by FIATA's Association members in Türkiye and Syria, FIATA would like to remind you that you still have the opportunity to do so until 31 May.
Work is ongoing from the Association members to recuperate the nations which were hit hard by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 6 February 2023. Members can expect reports on the relief efforts in coming weeks from each Association member, channeled through FIATA's communications channels.
Learn more, and donate to Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Efforts
Upcoming events:
- 30 May-1 June ¦ ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium 2023
- 8-10 June ¦ 49th Executive Council meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Air Cargo Associations
- 19-21 June ¦ WCO Private Sector Consultative Group and Policy Commission meetings
- 21-23 June ¦ ICC World Chambers of Commerce (WCC) Congress
- 30 June ¦ FIATA Statutory General Meeting