Canada Alert: Transport Canada pilots Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting (PACT) system

11 June 2024

Transport Canada is currently piloting the Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting system (PACT), which is set to go live in November 2024. The PACT regulation, applicable to goods entering Canada by air, will require freight forwarders and air carriers to submit shipment details prior to loading for security clearance, as per Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012. The new regulation will be similar to the US ACAS regime and the EU ICS2, and freight forwarders and air carriers must prepare for these upcoming changes to ensure a seamless transition when the PACT system goes live.

About the PACT regulation

The PACT system aims to ensure the safety and security of air cargo entering Canada by identifying high-risk shipments before they are loaded onto aircrafts. This will be achieved through the risk assessment of Pre-Loading Advance Cargo iInformation (PLACI) with the assistance of advanced analytics.

Scope: The regulation applies to all air cargo entering an aerodrome in Canada (cargo on passenger, charter, courier/express, and cargo-only flights, as well as flights that transit or transfer in Canada, including Freight Remaining on Board (FROB)).

Responsibility: Both air carriers and freight forwarders are responsible for collecting and submitting accurate shipment data (well before the shipments reach the warehouse) to avoid delays and ensure smoother logistics operations.

Filing options: The regulation allows for multiple filing options to accommodate different stakeholders in the air cargo supply chain, such as freight forwarders who have the possibility to file the data directly for security clearance (multiple/self-filing), subject to an agreement with their air carrier. This is voluntary, and requires air carriers to grant freight forwarders permission to do self-filing under PACT.

Data submission: The new requirements will challenge freight forwarders and air carriers alike, as they must ensure timely and correct data submission (Detailed description of 7+1 dataset can be found below).

Action steps for freight forwarders

FIATA calls on freight forwarders globally to be prepared and compliant with new regulations. Freight forwarders may participate in PACT voluntarily, to file for security clearance, using multiple/self-filing option. This option enables freight forwarders to file directly the house-level information themselves, whilst air carriers file the master-level information, and allows freight forwarders to provide information in an expeditious manner without disclosing confidential commercial data.
Therefore, freight forwarders need to decide if they would like to either:

  • use the option of filing the data directly to PACT (multiple/self-filing). In this case, they need to: get in touch with their air carriers who could grant freight forwarders permission to do self-filing under PACT and prepare their systems to connect;


  • leave it up to the carrier to file on their behalf.

In both scenarios, freight forwarders will play a key role as they would be responsible for submitting accurate and timely datasets.

For more information, please visit the PACT Implementation Guide here.  

What data should be provided under PACT's new filing rules

Under Canada’s new PACT rules, it will become mandatory for air carriers and freight forwarders, flying cargo into Canada (both as a destination and in-transit) to file 7+1 dataset with Canadian Border Control.

The required dataset includes:

  1. Original Shipper’s name
  2. Original Shipper's address
  3. Consignee’s name
  4. Consignee's address
  5. Cargo description
  6. Total Number of Pieces
  7. Total Weight of the Cargo

+1. Air waybill number

PACT Guidance

The PACT Implementation Guide contains information on how air carriers and third-party data submitters (such as freight forwarders and IT service companies) can connect and submit the required flight information to the PACT programme for air cargo arriving in Canada. This guide is for technical teams who have been tasked with implementing a connection to PACT on behalf of air carriers flying air cargo to Canada.

Refer to the PACT Implementation Guide here!

FIATA continues to support its members and ensure that they are well-prepared for upcoming PLACI regulations around the world. Compliance with the PACT requirements will be essential to prevent delays and potential enforcement actions by regulators. Stay tuned on FIATA's communication channels to keep up-to-date with regulatory changes and ensure your operations are compliant and efficient!