FIATA around the world sharing its key messages ¦ Check out the new FIATA Review!

November Edition of FIATA Review out NOW! Catch-up with all the latest from FIATA's experts and industry voices!
The long-awaited November edition of the FIATA Review is out now! Key features include:
✨ Exclusive Coverage of the 2023 FIATA World Congress Panels
✨President Turgut Erkeskin's Inspiring Message to the Forwarding Community, a first for the magazine!
✨ General Meeting Special: Meet the New Presidency and Extended Board Members
✨Member News Extravaganza: Welcoming 5 New FIATA Association Members in 2023
✨ Spotlight Interview with Andre Hein Gerber – 2023 FIATA Young Logistics Professionals Award Winner
✨Closing Insights from Director General Stéphane Graber with a Retrospective of 2023
The global voice of freight logistics has never been more relevant, as collaboration came out as the key word of this year's edition of the FIATA World Congress. A united front by the international forwarding community is as important as ever. Raise the forwarder's voice, and share this magazine widely!
Over 4,000 delegates join DP World Global Freight Summit - FIATA DG joins future supply chain discussion
On 15 November, FIATA's Director General Stéphane Graber joined the Summit, hosted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on a panel titled 'Reality check: Making the future supply chain a reality". Other panelists included Till Ole Barrelet, CEO, Emirates Shipping Line, Dheeraj Bhatia, Senior Managing Director for Africa, Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, Hapag-Lloyd, Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalization and Development, University of Oxford and Parag Khanna, Founder & CEO, Climate Alpha.
Topics covered during the session included the impact of emission schemes, the optimisation of supply chains, the transformation of globalisation, and the role of digitalisation in regional growth patterns.
One of the major concerns raised during the discussions was the impact of Europe's new Emissions Trading System (ETS) scheme on the shipping industry. It was acknowledged that the industry would likely face significant pressure as a result of this scheme. and concerns were raised regarding possible cost increases. Additionally, there was uncertainty surrounding the type of fuels that would be used for decarbonisation. However, there was hope that the revenue generated from the ETS scheme would be invested in innovation and initiatives aimed at reducing CO2 emissions.
FIATA Director General Stéphane Graber shared about the need for an optimisation of supply chains, and the importance of multimodality, both being crucial factors for achieving environmental objectives. Experts emphasised the importance of digitalisation, data exchange, and the formation of new partnerships in creating a sustainable supply chain.
The discussions touched upon the transformation of globalisation. While some may argue that globalisation is dead, the experts agreed that it is merely undergoing a dramatic transformation. As countries become wealthier and spend more on services, the share of global GDP attributed to trade is expected to slow. This shift will bring about growing complexity and changes in the cost structure. However, it was also noted that digitalisation of trade, such as the FIATA eFBL and other technologies, could lead to cost savings and efficiencies.
Overall, these discussions shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing the shipping industry. It is clear that the industry must adapt to these changes and embrace digitalisation and sustainability in order to thrive in the future. By investing in innovation and reducing carbon emissions, the shipping industry can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable and efficient global trade system, but transparency and collaboration between all supply chain stakeholders including the freight forwarder, will be essential.
Thanks go to coverage contributions by FIATA ABIT Chair Tej Contractor, who was in attendance of this event.
FIATA addresses emerging international trends and reveals new partnership at World Logistics Passport Global Summit
On 21 November, FIATA Director General, Dr Stéphane Graber, took part in the opening panel of the World Logistics Passport (WLP) Global Summit 2023, also featuring Mr Mahmood Al Bastaki, General Manager of the WLP, HE Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansoori, Minister of Economy in UAE from 2008 until 2020 and Minister of Transport and Communication between 2004 and 2008, HE Dr Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, and Mr Philips Isler, Director of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, at the World Economic Forum.
The panel addressed emerging international trends influencing global trade. Some topics discussed were the most crucial elements affecting global trade, patterns observed across recession, the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The role of economic initiatives to boost trade and future trends in logistics was also addressed. During the meeting, the Premier of Western Cape in South Africa was awarded Co-Chair of the WLP Global Summit 2023.
FIATA took this opportunity to echo the voice of freight forwarders and to advertise the work done since the pandemic to bring guidance and best practices to logistics stakeholders. It reiterated the importance of digitalisation, multimodality and operation optimisation for the future of logistics. It discussed the growing importance of trade corridors and bringing different stakeholders to collaborate to increase the efficiency of logistics and address bottlenecks. The importance of building trust between stakeholders and the role that international organisations like FIATA can play, was also highlighted, as well as the need for the training and education of the next generation of freight forwarders.
The successive crises have revealed the fragility and vulnerability of the supply chain and, in a context of deglobalisation and trends to in-shoring (moving business processes to a less expensive location within the country), it is necessary to rebuild better globalisation, as advocated by the WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and more resilient supply chains. The panel was followed by the signature of the WLP Bronze Partnership with FIATA by Mr Mahmood Al Bastaki, General Manager of the World Logistics Passport.
The President of the National Association of Freight and Logistics (NAFL), Ms Nadia Abdul Aziz, also took part in an afternoon panel to talk about the role of NAFL and freight forwarders, and how they benefit from their membership to FIATA.
For more on the World Logistics Passport, click here.
FIATA participates in 2nd International Forum on RCEP Trade Facilitation in Shanghai
On 7 November, FIATA participated in the China International Import Expo 2023 in Shanghai, China. Represented by FIATA’s Head of International Trade and Law, Ms Andrea Tang, FIATA had the opportunity to present at the 2nd International Forum on RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) Trade Facilitation, at the invitation of the China Customs Brokers Association (CCBA), which focused on “The Safety and Trade Facilitation of Imported Food and Agricultural Products”. The session provided an opportunity to hear from supply chain actors including governmental and intergovernmental organisations, as well as industry actors on trade facilitation and customs clearance.
The opportunities brought by digitalisation were a recurring theme during the session, with the former Deputy Director of the WTO and the former Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Mr Yi Xiaozhun, pointing to what amounts to a 25m-high paper pile for food and agricultural products!
FIATA’s presentation, which focused on the challenge of customs clearance for food and agricultural products, provided the opportunity to highlight the importance of swift and efficient clearance of goods under a risk-based approach, noting the perishable and time-sensitive nature of many of these goods, in a manner that complies with national safety and security requirements. Regional cooperation agreements such as the RCEP present new opportunities for economies around the world, and for swifter treatment at borders.
The ability to harness such regional agreements for mutual recognition and trade facilitation has formed part of FIATA’s key recommendations at the World Customs Organization (WCO), particularly with regards to Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programmes. In addition, the session provided an opportunity for FIATA to promote its Digital Strategy and how it contributes to corridor development and global connectivity.
FIATA visits its members APACIT and ALOG and congratulates them for their 50th and 20th anniversaries
1. FIATA would like to warmly congratulate APACIT (Peruvian Association of International Cargo Agents), a new FIATA Association member as of this year, on its 50th Anniversary!
On the occasion of FIATA's first ever visit to Peru to visit its member association APACIT, Director General (DG) Stéphane Graber met with the APACIT Board to discuss the challenges of logistics and how FIATA supports its members.Together with APACIT President Nicky Corrochano and Manager Alberto Lei, an official meeting with the Peruvian customs took place to discuss new policies, digitalisation and trade facilitation. During a dedicated talk for APACIT members, FIATA presented its work on digitalisation, sustainability and maritime competition, including the several recently published FIATA services and guidelines and best practices. FIATA's support for the development of training and education was also showcased and aroused great interest.
Peru is ideally located to ambition becoming a logistics hub for the whole of South America, as is reflected in the construction of a new port by COSCO in Lima, linking Shanghai to South America, alongside the existing port managed by DP World and APM.
During his visit, FIATA's Director General also took part in the celebrations of APACIT's 50th Anniversary. This special event, which brought together government authorities, the Minister of Transport and Communications, Raúl Pérez-Reyes Espejo and the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Juan Carlos Mathews Salazar, as well as the main freight companies, was aimed at strengthening links between the various players in this sector.
In this significant gathering, special recognition was given to Mr Oswaldo Sandoval Aguirre, Founding President of APACIT and Chairman of the Board of Talma. His speech highlighted the importance of collaboration in the industry, consolidating the organisation's commitment to the development of international trade.
FIATA thanks APACIT for its kind invitation, and looks forward to future opportunities to collaborate in its newly-formed relationship.
2. In the same trip, the DG was able to attend the 20th Anniversary Brunch of ALOG (Logistics Association of Chile). Also in participation were important government authorities and the national and international logistics field, including: Nicolás Grau Veloso, Minister of Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo, the General Coordinator of the Logistics Development Program of the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, Mariela Barquin. The visit gave the opportunity for the FIATA Director General to exchange with the Chilean customs and give an update on the latest work of FIATA with the WCO in the area of digitalisation, and its eFBL. He was also able to meet the pioneering company that uses its digital eFBL and is based in Chile.
In addition, the ALOG 2023 Outstanding Company of the Logistics Industry Award was presented to the company Mercado Libre Chile with first place, followed by Pluscargo Chile and finally Puerto San Antonio with third place.
Following the festivities, the Director General and FIATA Treasurer, who is also the President of ALOG, planned some working sessions to discuss financials and revenue strategy for the organisation in view of the forthcoming 6th Presidency meeting in 2023 to be held in December in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and kindly hosted by ACTC/Sindicomis, FIATA's Association Member in Brazil.
Upcoming events:
- 27 November – 1 December ¦ UNCITRAL WG VI on Negotiable Multimodal Transport Documents, Vienna, Austria
- 29 November - 1 December ¦ XXIV FITAC Congreso, Cartagena, Colombia
- 4-6 December ¦ ACE Air Cargo Logistics, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 6 December ¦ 2024 FIATA Young Logistics Professionals Award Information Session
- 11 December ¦ FIATA Presidency Meeting, São Paolo, Brazil
- 12-13 December ¦ FIATA Working Group Sea Meeting, São Paolo, Brazil