FIATA-Global Shippers Forum Data Protection Charter launched ¦ How to use the FIATA logo on your materials

Still not had a chance to catch-up with the HQ Meeting summaries and photos?
What were the main outcomes of this year's FIATA HQ Meeting? Topics of key interest and importance for freight forwarders, and which were discussed at depth in this year's sessions and interactive workshops were:
- decarbonisation, with a focus on alternative fuels, ensuring accessibility for small and medium-sized enterprises, and transparency,
- opportunities and challenges in transport corridor shifts around the world,
- multimodality and its ever-increasing importance through geopolitically difficult times,
- data set standardisation and harmonisation for greater trade facilitation,
- cybercrime and cyberawareness amongst forwarders,
- Authorized Economic Operators (AEO programmes) for companies of all sizes,
- the establishment of a Global Air Cargo Programme that benefits all regions,
- the ever-important role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovative platforms in logistics processes,
- the FIATA digital FBL and its importance in multimodal transport, and building a legal framework for this,
- FIATA Regions updates,
- the paradigm shift in the future of industry training, and latest trends of logistics sector education
2023 FIATA World Congress - What's the latest?
Although October seems far away, the preparations for the FIATA World Congress (FWC) 2023 are well underway. This year the Congress will take place in Brussels, Belgium, and you should absolutely block 3 - 6 October in your calendars! The Congress host for the 2023 FWC is Forward Belgium, the Belgian Freight Forwarding Association.
Brussels is the place where decisions are taken for many international organisations, and therefore it is connected to a large network of expertise and resources. Brussels is the N°1 association city in the world, welcoming 2,250 association headquarters. It will be the perfect opportunity to create connections and visibility of freight forwarders with policy makers, world-renowned universities, multinational industry headquarters, lobbyists and press correspondents!
It is not only the venue which has been well thought out, the programme has also been intricately put together, for which the exact content will be communicated soon! The four-day new programme is more compact and focuses mainly on attracting influential speakers in their respective fields.
With a special event for young professionals and an innovative programme featuring new trends in global logistics, we reach out to anyone who is interested in the future of our logistics business and industry at large! The Congress Exhibition is an excellent platform to showcase your company and promote its logistics capabilities.
Be sure to keep an eye on the FIATA LinkedIn page for weekly updates, programme highlights and things to do in Brussels!
Register now to enjoy earlybird fees until 30 April!
Register HERE for a reduced price!
FIATA and Global Shippers' Forum launch Data and Governance Protection Charter
This week, FIATA, alongside the Global Shippers' Forum, launched a Data and Governance Protection Charter, which was a document born in the wake of the acceleration of digitalisation in the trade and transport sector.
With the launch of the Charter, the two organisations aim to "develop an environment of trust between stakeholders". FIATA's Director General Stéphane Graber commented: "Members must be aware of what it means to exchange data, by revisiting their contracts on this matter, and have a dialogue with supply chain stakeholders...In this same vein, FIATA's role is to raise awareness amongst its Members, and help them to feel secure with the digital transition, and exchange of their data".
"In this journey, interoperability between platforms and their credibility amongst users are critical for success. This requires clear and fair rules on data exchange to protect confidentiality".
James Hookham, Director of the GSF said that “Digitalisation of international trade and transport paperwork offers huge savings and benefits for all parties in the supply chain, but its storage and processing comes with risks of loss, leakage and unauthorised use that could expose commercially sensitive patterns and trends."
Additionally, he commented "Our Charter sets out reasonable expectations of the protections that should be in place to respect the ownership of the data, protect its confidentiality and guard against unauthorised access and use”.
FIATA Logo Policy - What do Members and Non-Members need to know?
In recent weeks, FIATA Members and Non-Members may have received spam emails in the wake of the HQ Meeting. Cybercriminals may pose as FIATA HQ employees, asking for flight tickets, gift cards, or other paid items. The FIATA Logo is used by these cybercriminals to purport that they work at FIATA.
The FIATA Logo is protected by trademark, and is subject to a strict logo policy, which entitles only FIATA Members or Partners to display it on their stationery, materials or websites. Non-members are not entitled to use the FIATA Logo. A non-exhaustive list of companies found to be misusing the FIATA logo can be found in the FIATA logo policy.
It is of utmost importance that Association Members and Individual Members keep their FIATA Membership records up to date, and ensure that they have made their annual payments for membership, so as to not lose this right to use the FIATA Logo, and benefit from all other Membership Benefits.
FIATA urges all Members and Non-Members to check the FIATA Logo Policy on the FIATA website, and adhere to its contents to ensure compliance with trademark and copyright laws.
Read the FIATA Logo Policy Here
Call to remain vigilant of scam emails
Check out the latest FIATA recommendations and tips in order to remain cyberaware, and protect your company and Associations!
Avalon Customs Bonds Programme - FIATA Members, know your benefits!
FIATA Members are entitled to various benefits as a part of their FIATA Membership! The use of the FIATA logo on company materials, websites and stationery, access to excellent networking opportunities at FIATA Events, inclusive insights and updates from FIATA internal meetings, policy work and the chance to raise their voice within the umbrella of the global voice of logistis which FIATA is.
Did you know that as a FIATA Member, you are also entitled to participation in the Avalon Customs Bond Programme, which has special rates for the FIATA Membership? Check out the brochure below for more information!
Explore the NEW FIATA Review here!
Upcoming events:
- 24 April ¦ IATA Cargo Agency Conference
- 24 April ¦ WCO PSCG Meeting
- 25-27 April ¦ WCO Permanent Technical Committee
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