FIATA uniting the global industry and sharing knowledge

FIATA e-flash
21 August 2023

2023 FIATA World Congress around the corner, register now!

Have you heard about the theme for the 2023 FIATA World Congress (FWC)? This year, FIATA will be covering key challenges, innovations and the latest developments in logistics, under the title “The Changing Climate of Logistics”.

There are 5 reasons why you can't miss this edition, starting with:

Curious about the other reasons? Keep an eye on the official 2023 FWC LinkedIn, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), and the upcoming FIATA Review!

FIATA RAME in Uganda: Uniting the region to raise its voice!

August kicked off with delegates from FIATA's Region Africa and Middle East (RAME) coming together in Uganda for a 2-day conference welcoming over 250 logistics professionals from all over Africa to discuss the challenges of logistics professionals in the region. The FIATA Regional Strategy was highlighted, taking stock of the substantial work of FIATA in maritime, digitalisation, training & education, as well as the commitment of FIATA to reinforce its regional activities and support its Association Members in the region. Delegates were reminded of the importance of having a strong and united industry voice, and the need to ensure that this voice is raised within FIATA RAME to find appropriate and tailored solutions together. 

“Let’s us work together to make the industry more resilient and support landlocked countries that are committing to invest in and to improve its logistics infrastructure, and ensure a more resilient and efficient logistics system."
- General Katuma, Minister of Works & Transport, Republic of Uganda

For more information on the FIATA RAME Field Meeting in Uganda, please visit the dedicated eflash news, released last Friday, here!

Latest Brazilian regulation on e-commerce, ‘Remessa Conforme’, takes effect from 1 August 2023

The recently approved new Brazilian regulation "Remessa Conforme", applicable from 1 August 2023, aims to reduce import tax rate and enable faster and more economical customs procedures for e-commerce transactions. It is expected to provide significant gains for logistics providers through faster deliveries and reduced costs related to transportation and storage services.

The initiative will reduce the import tax rate to zero for orders up to USD 50, as long as the e-commerce company is a participant of the new compliance programme enabled by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB). The programme, which is of voluntary adherence, is applicable to both individual senders and companies, and to packages transported both by the Brazilian Postal Service (ECT) and courier companies. Additionally, it will enable the sharing of information regarding cross-border e-commerce purchases before the arrival of the shipment in Brazil. This will allow Brazilian Custom Authorities and the Federal Revenue Service to handle imports quicker and receive the payment of due taxes in advance, which, in turn, will expedite the flow of international shipments to their final destination in Brazil. 

FIATA Foundation: Train-the-Trainer (TOT) Course

The FIATA Foundation - Vocational Training (FFVT) is an independent body that promotes freight forwarding and logistics vocational training in low- and middle-income territories. The Foundation’s main objective is to encourage FIATA Association Members to establish their own sustainable training programmes to support the building of professional skills through the preparation of a number of trainers who take an intensive TOT Course.
The TOT courses provide a comprehensive introduction to freight forwarding, based on the FIATA Minimum Standards' elements of pedagogy and practical advice on how to set up a teaching programme. Through intense, interactive sessions, trainees demonstrate their understanding of knowledge and develop skills through practical exercises and case studies on realistic transport situations. 

If you are a FIATA Association Member from a low- and middle-income territory, do not miss this opportunity to create your own pool of certified trainers and implement the FIATA Diploma!

For more information on the TOT and the application process, please visit the dedicated page on the FIATA website.

FIATA Best Practice Guide on Contract Management

The contracting process is essential to every freight forwarder, not just when it comes to initiating a new business but also with respect to risk management and limitation of liability. The correct management of contracts is crucial in order for freight forwarders to protect themselves against pitfalls. 

FIATA takes this opportunity to remind its members of FIATA's Best Practice Guide on Contract Management, which was developed by FIATA Advisory Body on Legal Matters (ABLM). This practical guide helps freight forwarders develop a contract management protocol to be used in their daily business, by providing guidance on what to look out for when signing a contract, as well as essential contractual clauses that should be included. 

For more FIATA best practice guides, visit the FIATA website.

Next edition of the FIATA Review coming soon!

Don't miss the next edition of the FIATA Review, coming soon! Just some of the highlights to watch out for include:

  • FIATA's pursuit towards a level-playing field to build an equitable and harmonised maritime supply chain;
  • Updates from the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) and what it means for freight forwarders;
  • FIATA's work towards a Global Air Cargo Programme and how it will be a game-changer for Regions Asia-Pacific and Africa and Middle East;
  • The adventurous journey of ECX Global Logistics President - from the military service, to high fashion and logistics;
  • FIATA's ongoing work on the digitalisation on FIATA transport documents, the FIATA Digital Identity, and developing trusted networks;
  • Information on the FIATA World Congress 2023 and answers to the most frequently-asked questions;

... and many more. Stay tuned for more information! In the meantime, access previous editions of the FIATA Review on the FIATA website.