YLP Award Candidate Deadline Extended ¦ HQ Meeting takes new format ¦ 2024 FWC Panama Visit

New format for this year's HQ Meeting!
From Saturday 18 March to Tuesday 21 March, FIATA members are invited to join the 2023 edition of the FIATA HQ Meeting. This year’s format has been remodulated, allowing increased involvement for FIATA members and delegates in the form of workshops organised by many of the FIATA Institutes and Advisory Bodies. Very interesting panel sessions on topics critical to the industry today: “Sustainability at what cost?”, "The future of multimodal logistics digitalisation", “From cybersecurity to aircraft damage control for ULDs” to name but a few will feature. More will be disclosed in the coming days via FIATA social networks, such as the FIATA LinkedIn account; watch out for these updates!
For this event dedicated to FIATA Association members and delegates, more information, such as registration, is available on the event’s page: 2023 FIATA HQ Meeting
Registration to the FIATA HQ Meeting is open until Sunday 5 March 2023 inclusive.
Register here to the Geneva FIATA HQ Meeting
See last week's break-down of HQ Meeting topics
Association Members' last chance to support YLP: Nomination deadline extended!
Weren't able to put forward a candidate in time for the 2023 Young Logistics Professionals (YLP) Award? Good news! The deadline to present your national prodigy has been extended to 15 February 2023! This award is a unique experience for young professionals, allowing them to gain more experience in the industry and connections throughout the competition, as well as great prizes.
Young professionals are the future of the industry, and FIATA Association Members can themselves benefit from encouraging their YLPs to participate in this prestigious international contest, where they can improve their skillset, develop their network and gain excellent experience on a global platform. FIATA has made it its mission to represent the industry in the most inclusive and dynamic way possible.
Don’t let the opportunity pass by, and send your candidate’s application to [email protected] by 15 February 2023. Please note that each FIATA association member is entitled to present one candidate.
For more information on the competition, requirements and award, click here!
Para más información sobre el concurso, los requisitos y el premio, pulse aquí!
For additional questions or information, reach out to [email protected]
FIATA Liability Insurance Guidance release: FIATA brings much-awaited Guidance on Insurance requirements for FBL
FIATA is excited to launch a new guidance on the liability insurance requirements for the FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading (FBL). This timely guide follows the launch of the digital FBL solution in mid-2022, which brought to light pertinent questions regarding the liability insurance requirement for the use of the FBL and certain other FIATA documents.
FIATA’s liability insurance requirement is crucial to ensuring the security and integrity of the FBL in the complex and challenging world of freight forwarding. FIATA, through its Advisory Body on Legal Matters and leading insurers TT Club and Willis Towers Watson, has developed this practical and fit-for-purpose guidance which responds to the needs of the global freight forwarding community.
UNESCAP Cross-Border Paperless Trade Database - FIATA now featured!
The digital FBL initiative is now listed on the UNESCAP Cross-Border Paperless Trade Database website. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has created this online database to support trade facilitation and promote cross-border paperless trade under the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific. The database provides a list of projects and services on cross-border trade digitalisation as well as relevant legal and implementation instruments.
2024 FIATA World Congress News: APAC welcomes FIATA for first site visit!
Asociacion Panamena de Agencias de Carga (APAC), together with the event’s Professional Congress Organiser CongreX Americas welcomed the FIATA Congress Committee (FCC) representatives, FCC Chair Krishnan Chelliah and FIATA Congress Manager Pauline Dutertre for the first site visit to prepare the tenure of the 2024 edition of the FIATA World Congress.
Several congress venues, as well as social events locations were visited. It was also a time for the teams to sit down to discuss and review some of the key elements of the Congress Protocol. It was also a great opportunity to meet with one of the key sponsors of the event: Panama Tourism Authority.
Stay tuned for more on this site visit, with a special highlight on the Panama Canal in the next edition of the FIATA Review!
Upcoming events:
- 14 February | LATAM corridor seminar in partnership with UIC
- 18-21 March | FIATA HQ Meeting
22 March | 1st Extended Board Meeting 2023