FIATA grows in size, serving an ever-increasing number of territories

Geneva, 11 October 2023 – Following the FIATA Electoral General Meeting, 2023 saw an increase in the number of FIATA Association members, bringing the total number to 114 territories served. This pays hommage to the work done over the last years since the Reset Programme, initiated in 2020.
Since the Reset Programme of 2020, and considering the current trend to deglobalisation of the global economy, FIATA is becoming increasingly involved in FIATA Regions, and with the many Geneva-based international organisations whose work crosses over with that of the Federation. These organisations include but are not limited to UNCTAD (United Nations Commission on Trade and Development), UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), WTO (World Trade Organization), IRU (International Road Union), ITC (International Trade Center), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and WEF (World Economic Forum).
The Federation has delivered on key maritime, digitalisation, customs and multimodal transport corridor objectives, the latter of which is becoming a key focus point with FIATA's new President Mr Turgut Erkeskin, who shared "The effects of climate change and natural disasters force us to explore the revitalisation and establishment of transport corridors worldwide. Our members, who serve as the architects of logistics, are all multimodal transport operators. We therefore attach great importance to the development of multimodal transport corridors." He continued "In this light, we warmly embrace the concept of the "India – Middle East – Europe Economic Corridor" and express our readiness to collaborate with corridor administrators to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness."
"Our experience has shown that the success of a corridor hinges not only on physical infrastructure but also on streamlined customs operations at border crossings."
With a higher commitment to involvement by FIATA's Immediate Past President Dr Ivan Petrov and Director General Dr Stéphane Graber on the ground, to encounter FIATA's members, a larger audience has been directly reached, which has enabled the voice of FIATA to spead over a global audience and interest group. The promotion of the FIATA eFBL was one of the key priorities during these visits, but along the way the Federation has also demonstrated further relevance for Association members, through its recent publications, and initiatives.
FIATA is thrilled to welcome in 2023:
- Peruvian Association of Transport and Logistics (APACIT), founded in 1973
- Namibia Logistics Association - NLA, founded in 2009
- Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry - QCCI, established in 1963
- National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America - NCBFAA, established in 1897, (reinstated membership, including AFA, Air Forwarders Association, in the US); and
- National Association of Freight Forwarding Companies and Agents B.U. "Transport and Logistics" in Serbia - NAFCA B.A., established in 2003.
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a non-governmental, membership-based organisation representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 114 Associations Members and more than 6,000 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide. Based in Geneva, FIATA is ‘the global voice of freight logistics.
Media Contact
Amanda Stock
FIATA – International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
Rue Kléberg 6
Geneva 1201
T. +41 22 715 45 45
[email protected]