Individual Membership
Join as an Individual Member
Individual Members are forwarding and logistics companies, as well as legal entities closely associated with the forwarding and logistics branch.
Individual Membership with FIATA is the result of a free choice by a freight forwarding entrepreneur to show a sense of compliance and belonging. The most important consequence of Individual Membership is connected with the reputation of the Individual Member, in as much as the Individual Member identifies itself in the objectives and rules of FIATA e.g. the Business Integrity Statement. Most Individual Members decide to get affiliated with FIATA because they want to benefit from the reputation that a highly protected brand such as the FIATA one affords.
*Individual Members (Blue), in those territories, where FIATA is represented through an Association Member, can only be admitted as an Individual Member if the FIATA Association Member in their territory agrees with their application.
All memberships are valid from 1 January until 31 December of each year.
Individual Members applying after 30 September of a given year should note that – if and once their application has been approved –, they will become members from 01 January of the following year. For example, Individual Members applying after 30 September 2022 will become members starting 01 January 2023.
Join as an Individual Member
Please follow the below links for instructions on:
1) FIATA 'Members Area' Guidelines;
2) Approval for Individual Members by Association Members;
Should you have any queries, please visit the FAQ section.
FIATA Certificate
Please contact [email protected] in case you have any questions regarding memberships.